Stardate: 20-Mar-2021


If kids could vote, Rocketship Park would win the prize as favorite playground.

It’s a launchpad for fun!



Rocketship Playground is located in Deer Creek Park, and a warm day near the vernal equinox is a particularly nice time to visit. Most people who visit America’s national parks never stray far from the parking lot and the same is true of Deer Creek Park. If you are one of the few who likes to get off the beaten track, this map’s for you!



Rendezvous with friends at Rocketship Playground, search for the “secret steps” down to the creek, and start exploring. Then follow the bouncing star over the bridge, along the creek, and hunt for the secret spring, the “ghost trolley” and climbing boulders. You get the idea; the map is a starting point for your explorations but here’s a journey guide to tell you exactly where to go and what to look for:



If you begin from the top of the park (near the ghost trolley and MayPop), look for three waterproof adventure maps that were hidden in the daffodils on the Spring Equinox, and if you find one, let us know below!



Here’s the secret spring you’re looking for; it tends to dry out as the summer wears on, so spring is a good time to go. Keep an eye out for water sprites and woodland faeries! Building strong imaginations in early life is the secret to creating strong innovators later in life.



Download the above map for print out

or save your ink and buy our book of ten adventure maps on Amazon,



If you want to make your very own adventure map,

here’s a black & white download:


Print out the map, draw your unique adventures in stick-figures and send them for us to see!

Send us your very own adventure map, funny family essay or children’s artwork,

we’ll print the very best of them for all to see!

Enter submissions via email to Green Spiral Tours @

REI customers love our adventure maps.

They sell out in about a week!
